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Nest by Mic (Antiques)

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Alien Statue Android Antiques Ball Lane Banana Box Buildings Castle 2 - Rasters Dragons Dune - Sector One Exile - Rasters Fallen Robot Future City Greetings Industry Lego Fuji Monument Moon Nest Robot Love SC124 Galore Stone Head UFO Woman
23 thumbnails from Antiques (production)


Image data

Machine:Atari STe
Used colours:115
Display technique:Raster splits
Software used:Neochrome Master + Promotion
VideoDB:Watch a video of this prod

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nativ (2012-04-15) Report as spam/crap
Which Pixel Painter is being used for these Hi-Colour pics?

mic (2012-04-16) Report as spam/crap
Neochrome master was used to create the rasters interrupts but the main work was done on pc using Promotion (the best pixel painting program imo).

evil (2012-04-17) Report as spam/crap
nativ: these rastersplit pictures are not "Hi-Colour", they use the normal STe colour palette. However the pics with blitter colour updates and dual interlaced images fakes a Hi-Colour mode trhough flickering. those are not pixel painted, but rendered with 3D Studio Max and then run thru a conversion tool by Zerkman. Mic: Awesome graphics from Antiques, but certainly Grafx2 is the best pixel editor ;)

nativ (2012-04-20) Report as spam/crap
thanks evil, I completely missed Software used: Neochrome Master + Promotion in the description! So I could do some (Rainbow2) or escape paint (/|) pictures and then raster split on the STe ! Pro-motion looks good, had a play before. GraFX is coming along nicely and is on MAC/PC and Atari :D

dan/pdx (2012-04-29) Report as spam/crap
plain... wow!


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