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Resurrection Logo I by Modmate

Resurrection Logo I
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.tSCc. Logo #1 1994 TNB 680xx Convention ACF Design Team ACF Logo After we're running amok An Impression Anytime Apple a day Army of Stone Art Factory Assasins Atari Enterprises Atari ST Auf beengtem Raum Augen Aurora Awele Babajaga Badetag Bedroom Bhead BitchPlease Black Body Count Bolek Bolek 1 Bolek 2 Bolek 3 Bondage Brechote BwaaaAtari Bzzz Bzzz Cave Cheetah Cherubin Columns Compact Menu 1 Concept Concordia Vita Confusion Title Cream Cream 2 Cream Issue 2 Czloqik Lezacy D-Bug Logo Death Delabre Design is everything Desk DMT-Cat Drachen Dragocho Dragon Dreaming Eagle Earth Four Cols Egypt EIL 1 EIL 2 Encounter End Dragon Error In Line 99 Evil Falcon Falkena Fasta Paviljongen Felehot Fight #1 Flex Flowers Fratze Fried Bits Fried Bits 1994 Friends forever FSK Fujiyama Ghoul Giants are coming Girl Girl Pic Golden Age Gott Grado by night Graphics Green Dragon Hand On Fuji Has This A Good End Hero Holiday Home Sweet Home I'll Suck You Dry Too! ICS Image #01 Immag #2 Intel Isaberg Jackball Jag_Love_Nyancat! JB Jimi Joyhund Kiss That Frog Kittys Knight Knight Laaamer Lac Lave Lake Landscape Lasse Reinbøng Legal Games Mix 5 Little Red Little Romy Lizard Lobo Sote Logo Lunatic Asylum Manga Mario Mice Machine Mind In A Box Mister Monde Monster Monstrous River Mother struggling for her children Mr Parrot Mr. Marvin is here to kill you Music Nameless Naughty Bytes Don't Need Drugs New Edge Night-mare No Extra Crime No Way Out Nordic Atari Show 2008 Nordlicht Numb Mirror Children Once Started One Man And His Falcon Outline preview Paradize Logo (Original) Patricia Ford Pendragons Space Station Pistol Planets Planets Pozdrawienia Do Gdanska Prism Psyche Pulsion Logo Puzzle (Original) Queen Of Hearts Ragnar Raytrace Reheat Reservoir Gods Reservoir Gods members Resurrection logo Rhyno Robots Rraa Salvation Schlampe Seabreez Shadow She-Tiger Shit Happens Shitstuff Six Legged Freak Smoking Man Sonic Soulful Spacelow SSO ST Connexion #0 ST Connexion #1 STNICCC 2015 STNICCC 2015 Suburbs Subwater Succuba Summoning Talisman Terminel Test TFC Logo The Annoying Man The Attacking Shark The Boing Of Death The Broken Mirror The Friendship Cooperation The Grafixman The Naughty Bytes 1 The Naughty Bytes 2 The Naughty Bytes 3 The Naughty Bytes 4 The Vision TNB Logo Tumult Unicorn Unicorn Vertical Rasters Ville Vincente Wand Warrior Water Wierd Wizarrd WTF X-Factor Logo Zentograf
215 thumbnails from (production)


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Title:Resurrection Logo I
Machine:Atari ST
Used colours:15
Display technique:ST-LOW
Software used:Crackart

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505 (2008-12-30) Report as spam/crap
So great graphic, its a shame the demo was never finished

s_t_s (2015-08-30) Report as spam/crap
I agree with you Nils, too bad the demo was nothing but a "dream" :/ I'm afraid Modmate really had no luck with that demo and Binliner too !

tat (2015-09-08) Report as spam/crap
I still feel bad about Binliner. It's a long story :(


mOdmate (2015-09-08) Report as spam/crap
is that you, steve? ;-) you still visit!?

tat (2015-09-09) Report as spam/crap
Yes it's me :) Since Damo contacted me recently, I drop in occasionally, here and on atari-forum.

You can't take the Atari out of me completely ;-)


lotek style / .tSCc. (2015-09-10) Report as spam/crap
tat: you still can finish the demo :)

tat (2015-09-10) Report as spam/crap

I think it would be more a case of "remake the demo" after all this time. But my Falcon still boots, the HDD died and the clock battery is dead though.


s_t_s (2015-09-10) Report as spam/crap
@Tat : Falcon and STs don't need HDD anymore so please come back and kick some asses. You can do that on ST(e) as well :)


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