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Image data correction for Falconland by Zweckform

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Falconland by Zweckform (Falcon Contribution)

1x | 2x | 3x
10 Years Atari Falcon 20 Years STE Title Badetag Blitter Hazard Blubber Main Encounter Escape Logo Falconland Lost Job Middle Earth New Job Northern Lights Nymphe Nymphe 2 P7 Title Pacemaker Title Paradehn Samuraihelm Santa Claudia Schacht Schneemann Sonic meets the hedgehog
22 thumbnails from Zweckform (artist)


Image data

Prod:Falcon Contribution
Machine:Atari Falcon
Used colours:19993
Display technique:Lowres Hicolour + Dual interlaced images
Software used:Photoshop (PC)

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RA/pdx (2008-12-29) Report as spam/crap
Yeah, Zweckform breaks the TT/Falcon color highscore! BTW: I like the picture even it has some "bugs".

Zweckform (2008-12-29) Report as spam/crap
The bird in the picture is based on the bee eater bird. I chose it to have a colorful object in the scene. The leafs are ugly as hell and the valley looks quite unfinished. The mountains contain several errors and the picture lacks the feeling of depth.

vlg (2008-12-29) Report as spam/crap
Which editor you used? And which bird is BeeEater?

505 (2008-12-30) Report as spam/crap
I really like it, especially due to its nice colors. But right, the perspective is a kind of weird.

Zweckform (2008-12-30) Report as spam/crap
@Vlg: For the bee eater just google the term and look at the pictures section, you'll notice the bird. The picture was done with Photoshop 4.0 & Mouse, no downsizing or the like was done just 1:1 pixeling. @505: I was amazed when i saw it contains almost 20.000 colours. This is due to the pensil tool of Photoshop that creates plenty of shades i guess.


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