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Image data correction for Ville by Pixelkiller

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Ville by Pixelkiller

1x | 2x | 3x
Awake Bitmap Zoomer Bubbles Corridor Delabre Dream Pack Hangar #1 Hangar #2 Homebase #1 Homebase #2 Immag #2 Lac Lave Legacy 3D Background Legacy Logo Legacy Logo Mohai Monde Planets Ramp Sirens Sleeping Space #1 Space #2 Space #3 Space #4 Space #5 Space #6 Space #7 Surface #1 Surface #2 Surface #3 Terminal #1 Terminal #2 Terminal #3 Title Ville Window #1 Window #2
38 thumbnails from Pixelkiller (artist)


Image data

Machine:Atari ST
Used colours:14
Display technique:ST-LOW + Scrolling

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bear (2008-12-25) Report as spam/crap
Atmospheric mood in this one! Which production?

mic (2008-12-26) Report as spam/crap
It is from an unreleased production from Legacy. Basically you had greetings on top of this picture in the form of greyscale logos from various groups.

Zweckform (2008-12-26) Report as spam/crap
This is great, looks like a crystal town thats shimmering.

505 (2008-12-26) Report as spam/crap
What Zweckform said, also the mountains look fantastic.


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