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Image data correction for Fight #1 by Babar

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Fight #1 by Babar

Fight #1
1x | 2x | 3x
Change Disk Coco Decrunching Diable Fight #1 ICC ICS Phantom Phantom Title Wait
10 thumbnails from Babar (artist)


Image data

Title:Fight #1
Machine:Atari ST
Used colours:15
Display technique:ST-LOW

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mic (2008-12-26) Report as spam/crap
This is a mockup of a fighting game. Babar used to produce lot of graphics for games on ST, none of them ever being finished (though some of them reached the state of playable demos).

Zweckform (2008-12-26) Report as spam/crap
This mockup looks nice.

vlg (2008-12-26) Report as spam/crap
for me these pics are one of the best use of 16 cols


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