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Image data correction for Cybobird by Lance

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Cybobird by Lance (Dont Break The Oath)

1x | 2x | 3x
Ademo Aggression Aggresive Party 1 Invite Menu Aggression Logo Aramada Is Dead Title Armada Is Dead Aggression Armada Logo Cybobird Death Of The Clock Cycles Title Eksa Bender Eksa Bender Picture Fractal Landscape Glenz Vectors Glenz Vectors Hornet Kiss That Frog Landscape Lazy Coders Lizard Loader Eye Overdose Aggression Logo Overdose Intro Credits Overdose Logo Paper Notice Plasma Fractals Postscript Zoomer Presents Raytraced Animation RGBeast Aggression Robots Shadesprites Space Hornet Tentacles The End Universal Aggression Utopos Title Various Vectors Vertical Bars YingYang Aggression
38 thumbnails from Lance (artist)


Image data

Prod:Dont Break The Oath
Machine:Atari Falcon
Used colours:256
Display technique:Hires 256 colours
Software used:Photoshop (PC)
VideoDB:Watch a video of this prod

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ChrisTOS (2011-11-25) Report as spam/crap
I really like this. It's now my falcon's splash screen.


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