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Chip trackers/editors

Blipp Blopper v0.89
by Jason / TKT
A chip editor with STe DMA digidrums allowing three YM channels to play while digidrums are active (using 0% cpu and no irq). Has a nice instrument editor as well, but does however lack any form of modern ym effects (sid etc). There is an older version available as well, with more demosongs (they are not compatible to v0.89 unfortenly).

 »  Download
 »  Download v0.79


Chipmon II v1.9H
by Synergy
The ym chip-editor from Synergy. The legendary Scavenger wrote his fantastic songs with this program. Two sidvoices and digidrums support.

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CLS Soundchip Editor
by CLS / Risk
This one seems not that bad, but is a bit old to have any newer features. Some nice palette settings and such, but no instrument editor. A few demo songs included.

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 »  Download demo version


Crazy PSG
by M.X / III
A onochrome editor. Has a very unusual style, and seems to be in a very early stage. There are some Mad Max files included, but they doesn't seem loadable to the editor.

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Edsynth v1.2
by Chris Horton
A quite strange ym chip editor. Doesn't remind of anyone else. The included song proves it is quite capable of generating sounds (ala madmax late 80's at least). Big manual included (it is needed!).

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Madmax editor
by Adm
Preview of a chipcomposer which never made it to final state. Currently plays some classic Mad max music and display the notes.

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Magic Synth v2.5.2
by Tao / Cream
Tao of Cream has made an incredible effort to push everything out of the old YM that is possible. You'll find the usual sid voices, but also soft sid voices, sine waveforms, modulated waveforms, buzzers, sync buzzers (very cool!) and much much more YM galore. The editor looks pleasant, but takes a while to learn, especially as it comes without a manual. Alot of well known TAO-tunes are included with ready-to-use instruments. The tracker says (c) 1997, but for sure it is newer than that considering all new special effects that are included.

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maxYMiser FM v1.62
by gwEm / PHF
A completely new YM tracker released in the year of 2005. It is quite revolutionary with it's modern advanced sound engine, which can produce sounds like no other editor. The editor is built to work (and a bit) look like the famous Fasttracker 2. New in maxYMiser DMA is dual DMA sample channels along with the three chip channels. Perfect for digidrums. Further news in maxYMiser Live is wastly improved Midi sync and control.

From v1.34 maxYMiser also works with monochrome ST-HIGH monitors and from v1.53 it supports new timer effects such as FM and SyncSquare.

In version 1.61 further new effects (controlled PWM) is added and the syncsquare is improved.

 »  Download
 »  maxYMiser website


Medi v4
by Nexus 6 / X-Troll
A very very old editor from X-Troll. Described as very user unfriendly (manual typing of full paths to load/save files etc) and lacks any new kind of effects. But on the other hand uses only a small amount CPU to replay.

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Megatizer v2.95
by Jedi / Sector One
This is a quite rare version of Megatizer; a preview of the never finished v3.0. However it features SID voice support, as heard in Virtual Escape demo (the main VE song is included as example).

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 »  Download v2.5
 »  Download v2.4
 »  Download v2.3


Music maker v1.0
by Music Sales
A note-sheet style chipsound editor. If I'm not mistaken this was shipped with some of Ataris software packages for the ST. The special thing is digidrums, and they don't sound particulary good, the YM audio is rather lame, mostly simple bleep and bloop.

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MusicMon v2.5e
by Dark Angel / Aura
With version 2.5 of Musicmon, Dark Angel brings the tracker to the absolute elite when it comes to advanced YM effects and audio quality. Most things heard in maxYMiser and Magic Synth can also be done in Musicmon. Version 2.5 also save your tunes into SNDH file format from within the tracker.

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 »  Download v2.1
 »  Download v2.0 SID
 »  Download v2.0
 »  Download v1.0


by Nexus 6 / X-Troll
Chipmusic editor from the crew X-troll (most known for the shoot'em up Lethal Xcess). The editor is quite unusual and definitly requires a bit of training. It supports sounds similar to Mad Max 1991-era, including digidrums and buzzer bass.

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 »  Download extra songs


PSG Tracker v2.0 demo
by Crawdaddy / Chronicle
A commercial chiptracker from the democrew Chronicle. Mad max ala 1990 style sound with digidrums.

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S.O.T.E. Tracker
by Donald Fakk / S.O.T.E.
Another unique editor which has never been released officially. It's not the easiest to use I can tell you, but it can be used to create good ym sounds. There are three different versions of the editor included, the "sotedigi.prg" seems to be the latest and play all the included demosongs.

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Sid Sound Designer v3.5p
by MC / Animal Mine
Chiptracker with tripple sidvoices. The tracker is a beta release, and contain some bugs. SSD can also be used together with MIDI keyboards to enter notes to the sequencer, supporting note on/off.

The older versions (v2.4x) only have one SID channel, but can also use a digidrum track together with the SID.

 »  Download
 »  Download v3.1
 »  Download v2.44
 »  Download v2.42


Sound Chip Synth
by Electronic Cow
This is not a music editor as the others here, but is a midi synthesizer using the YM2149-chip, something alot of people have asked for. You can control all three channels over MIDI. It needs a screenmode of 640x400 pixels or more in any colour depth (ST-HIGH is fine). Check the screenshot for ST-HIGH/TT-MID dumps of the program.

 »  Download


Triplex 2k4
by Big Alec / Delta Force and Damo / Reservoir Gods
A great update of the original Triplex from Big Alec. Damo of the Reservoir Gods have implemented new GUI features (pattern scroll and more), new sound effects and Falcon compatibility.

 »  Download
 »  Download the original Big Alec version


Trisound Sequencer v1.0
by Miq & Qiz / Insignia
YM chiptracker from Insignia. Handle digidrums (rather good quality) and nice YM-sound. There is no SID voices. The interface is well known as Sid Sound Designer was made from it.

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by Damo / Reservoir Gods
First released in the summer of 2020, this is a new breed of a tracker that brings a modern YM-sound engine together with a familiar Protracker-style interface.

A lot of YM-effects, digidrums and innovative instrument editor.

 »  Download TTrak v1.04
 »  Download TTrak v1.03
 »  Visit the TTrak official site
 »  Check a video tutorial series on Youtube


Xbios Music Construction
by D.A.O 'Connel
A simple GEM-based soundchip editor with note-scores. Works with both colour and mono resolutions.

 »  Download


Xlr8 v1.0
by Eagle / Sentry
A very sophisticated YM-chiptracker. If this had made it back in the early 90's, it would have been a big success for sure. For a long time the Sidvoice feature of Xlr8 was useless, as the replaycode (outside the tracker) didn't feature the SID effect. Now however, Gwem's XLR8->SNDH converter fixes this situation and XLR8 is now an excellent choise for creating Atari chipmusic with SID-voice. We recently learned that XLR8 also works with monochrome monitors (same app autodetects monitor, see screenshot).

 »  Download
 »  Download the earlier Sentry Chip Composor


YM Tracker v1.0
by Augustin Vidovic
A quite "normal" YM chip editor. Doesn't seem to offer much over the ordinary. Some Madmax example tunes included.

 »  Download

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