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Showing news from 2016-01-01 to 2016-12-31
Showing 20 articles
gcc v6.2 - Beyond Brown December 27th, 2016
GGN and DML have been busy to port the rather fresh GCC 6.2 to build Atari compatible programs.

Some benefits listed on their site compared to the older v4.6.4:

  • link-time whole-program optimisation (inter-module calls & inlining): can have a big impact in reducing the executable’s size.
  • improved optimiser
  • C++14, C++17 support
  • named section support via C and asm
  • proper C++ initialise/finalise sequence
  • GST extended symbols
  • can preview code generation in Godbolt/68k
  • path open for future gcc releases

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Falcon port of Team 17 Worms December 25th, 2016
.tSCc. today released a fully working port of the classic Worms game.

It's a disassembly of the 68040 Macintosh version adapted to the Falcon with 060 processors, all with permission from Team 17 themselves.

Along with the Worms port is a nice 060 intro by Insane and Lotek Style.

Keep in mind you still need the original data files which are not included in the .tSCc. archive.
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Christmas demo from MJJ Prod December 24th, 2016
MJJ Prod is back with a new release at christmas eve.

It's a 1040 ST demo with code and graphics in various style as well as a soundtrack by Floopy.

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Silly Venture 2016 releases November 13th, 2016

The releases from Silly Venture 2016 are starting to arrive. As usual Demozoo is the site to visit to download the entries. There seems to have been five releses for Falcon, twelve for ST/e, 15 for XL, two for VCS, one Lynx and a huge number of music and graphics entries.

We aim to make video recordings of as many demos as we can.

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SNDH archive v4.6 released August 16th, 2016
Grazey writes:

345 new/updated SNDH files (437 subtunes).

We made it! SNDH v4.6 finally hits the streets.

Quick highlights :-

+ Figured out Michel Winogradoff's digi routines, so here's Disc, Turbo Cup & Bumpy
+ Finally Mad Max's "Bittner, Bit, Bit, Bittner" is included
+ Many more unknown Quartet tracks added
+ STNICCC tunes including gwEm's winning entry
+ Missing The Bits music-mon tunes added, sorry
+ Tonnes of XBios-32 added, sorry mk2
+ 505's fabulous Sabotage tracks
+ Many Jovis tri-mod and SSD tunes

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STNICCC 2015 demo from NoExtra released July 23rd, 2016
One of the few missing demos from the STNICCC 2015 compo arrived today. It's the Atari STe demo by NoExtra titled "Temptation aka Project A".

Now only the Hemoroids "Square" demo remains to be released.
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Silly Venture 2k16 invitation for the Falcon030 July 21st, 2016
Grey writes:

At the last day of June another invitro for Silly Venture 2k16 has been released - this time for Atari Falcon030 with 14MB of RAM. It was done in co-operation between the Dune and Mystic Bytes.

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Sommarhack 2016 stuff July 13th, 2016
We're a few days behind with uploading stuff, but finally everything from Sommarhack 2016 is available with video recordings and all.

You'll find nine demos, six music compositions and three graphics entries in the links below.

Thanks A LOT to everyone who showed up at the party and helped us with invites and remote entries. Next years Sommarhack is already set to 7-9 July and will be held at the usual place. More details in a while.

Now, it's time for a bit of a vacation!
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New Atari releases from VIP 2016 June 16th, 2016
The releases from last weekends Very Important Party (organised by Popsy Team) are here.

There are four Atari demos released; two on the ST, one for STe and one for Atari VCS/2600.
Check out the Demozoo page for downloads or VideoDB for having a quick look at video recordings of the ST/STe stuff.

Additionally, Tomchi won first prize in the 4-channel tracked compo with a three channel ST track, contratulations!
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Silly Venture 2k16 - another invitro for Atari XL/XE is released May 24th, 2016
Grey writes:

Shortly after the invitro for the standard Atari XL/XE is recently released at Outline, here comes another intro!

This time it's targeted for the powered Atari 8-bit machine with the VBXE video board.

Short credits: Code by TeBe, logo by mOOnie, music by Wiecz0r and scrolltext by Grey.

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Trionoids Falcon game May 19th, 2016
Matt Lacey (from down under) released a new game for the Falcon a couple of days ago.

Here's a short description from his Github page:

First release of Trionoids!

This is a Columns clone for the Atari Falcon running in VGA true colour mode at 60FPS. Play with the joystick or cursor keys + space bar.

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Outline 2016 releases May 7th, 2016
The 2016 edition of Outline is currently under way, and a few Atari-related releases have popped up.

As per usual, check the Demozoo page for Outline 2016 to get the goodies or check out the videos from VideoDB.
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Rise of the demoscene May 7th, 2016
As you may have heard, there has been talks about a new Atari ST demoscene book.

The book, now known as 'The Atari ST and the creative people - The Anthology' will be divided into three full books, and split up as follows

* 1986-1990 - Rise of the demoscene
* 1991-1994 - Doom of the demoscene
* 1994 beyond - Return of the demoscene

The Kickstarter campaign for the first book has just opened up, and will be active until sixth of June, 2016.
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SaboTagE from Paradox is out March 14th, 2016
Early monday morning Paradox released their long awaited STe demo called SaboTagE.

The demo will run on any STe with 2MB or more and a 60Hz capable screen. Lots of parts, much graphics, excellent 505 soundtrack and more awaits you in this STe treat.
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Old demo screen restored and released February 15th, 2016
Grazey and Cronos writes:

Originally created on the 10th of July in 1988 but finally released in 2016.
Bug-fixing, rasters by Grazey/PHF. Updated scroller by Cronos and updated GFX by Skaven.

Officially released on the anniversary date of the death of Holger Gehrmann. Press keys F1-F10 for music, 1-5 for scroller FX and space to pause the scroller.

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Outline 2016 announcement January 24th, 2016
Havoc writes:

For the 13th time in succession, the Atari party where other platforms are also welcome returns to Willemsoord during Ascension day weekend 2016. Competitions tailor made for Atari systems, music performances, affordable food and drink, cheap travel options, and more duct tape and PUR foam solutions than any demoparty known to mankind is what you can and should expect. Come as a friend, and leave as a part of the family!

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Maggie – 25th Anniversary January 23rd, 2016
CiH writes:

The culmination of a lot of work and midnight screaming fits. It's the
25th anniversary edition of the Maggie diskmag. Plenty of news, reviews, travel reports and other things.

Available both in HTML and a proper Atari ST Maggie issue. Don't just take my word for it. But get it and start reading!

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Extream back with intro January 8th, 2016
Emphii of Extreme wishes us all a happy new year with a new intro for the Falcon called Repotuli.

It works on RGB and VGA with all work including music done by Emphii himself.
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SYNC {Closure} demo from STNICCC January 8th, 2016
The new SYNC ST-demo first shown at STNICCC 2015 arrived today, by snailmail, on floppy. Yep, the old guys are oldskool! Thank you Troed for this kick back in time :-)

The demo features some state of the art syncscrolling, image displayer, overscans and more.

Coding by Troed and Bluestar, music by 7an and graphics also by Bluestar.

You might need to dig out your real Atari for this one!
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First demo of 2016 January 1st, 2016
DML of The Pixel Twins is back with a nice New Years intro for the Falcon. It uses more of the realtime raytracing-wizardry we saw in Zero Three Zero at STNICCC 2015 a few weeks back.

Happy new years!
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