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Showing news from 2011-01-01 to 2011-12-31
Showing 52 articles
Christmas 2011 intro by Torment December 23rd, 2011
Torment released a small Christmas intro today.

The intro works on plain ST and feature code by Gnd, graphics by Spiny and music by Rhino.
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Two hour long Sillyventure report December 14th, 2011
Grey writes:

Hello Atari scene! It's already 1 month from the latest edition of Silly Venture 2k11 - the biggest Atari only party in Poland (and probably worldwide too!).

Over 100 attendees visited Gdansk from such countries like Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, England, Czech, Slovakia and Poland of course. There was also a lot of compo entries done for each Atari platform. To feel it on your own skin, Larek (known as ArSoft Corporation) prepared a special movie from this big Atari event!

Enjoy the Silly movie guys! It's over 2hrs big! :)

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ICE packer sourcecode resurrected December 14th, 2011
Grazey writes:

Whilst browsing through the hundreds of disks sent to me by Xerud/Automation (of Mega-Depacker / Unpack fame). I stumbled across a disk marked Pack-Ice.

Nothing unusual there, however on closer inspection I found it to contain the packer source! I'm sure after 20 years Axe won't mind its release! Also there's a sneak preview of how Pack Ice v3 would have looked.

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8-bit winner from Sillyventure is here December 4th, 2011
The winning 8-bit demo from Sillyventure 2011 has been released.

It's a fantastic show from start to end with great effects, even better music and design that outmatches them both.

The demo is called 'C-Drug' and is made by Agenda, Mad Team and Laresistance. Needs a 128 k XL or XE to work.
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Sillyventure 2011 video report December 1st, 2011
CiH writes:

It was the best of times, it was the wurst of times. (If you were a German sausage fan.)

It was the Sillyventure 2011 Atari party, held in deepest Gdansk.

Many epic deeds were done, beers drunk and awesome demos shown.

Now here's a few minutes of multi-media dribblings from the incontinent cam-phone of CiH to entertain you with his recollections of the party as taken through a Nokia-tinted lense.

Let the memories assail you!

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New Jaguar game from Reboot November 27th, 2011
Sauron of Reboot writes:

Reboot of JagWare are proud to present Kobayashi Maru, their latest freely-available game for the Atari Jaguar games console, written to utilize the new Raptor game engine. Kobayashi Maru is Reboot's version of an arcade favourite from the early 80s. Use your rotary controller or regular Jaguar pad to steer your warpship in this arcade space shooter, battling countless drones and huge boss craft in ever-tougher waves of attack.

Kobayashi Maru is released hot on the heels of another Reboot release, the port of Downfall for the Atari Falcon030 computer. Head over to the Kobayashi Maru download page to obtain the full game in your favourite file format: BJL, ROM or CDI disc image. Have fun!

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New release from No Extra November 23rd, 2011
Another Atari-demo from the Alchimie party has been released.

It's a new STe-demo called 'Infinite Live of the Blitter' and made by No Extra.
Plasmas, dots, polygons, Tomchi music, Mister A graphics plus code by Atomus and Zorro 2.

UPDATE 2011-11-24:
A bugfixed version is now available. Both the download and video are updated.

UPDATE 2011-11-30:
A final version have been released. Download link and video updated.
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STe release from Paradox November 20th, 2011
The fifth place demo from Sillyventure, 'SV2011' by Paradox was released today.

Expect cool 505 music, blitter coding and some dancing(!)
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Blabla returns after twelve year Atari hiatus November 18th, 2011
One more of the demos from Sillyventure has turned up.

It's a demo from Blabla, previously known for the 'Oldiez' demo from 1999. This new demo, entitled 'STreet Art' more or less picks up where Oldiez ended.

Lots of truecolour screens at full frame rate. Code by Cyg, music by Dma-Sc, graphics by AcetOne and Nytrik.

UPDATE 2011-11-19:
New version with better transitions and loop instead of sudden ending. File download and video updated with the new version.

UPDATE 2011-11-25:
Another new version, now working with TOS 1.62 and some music bugs gone. Download and video updated.

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gwEm/PHF releases booTribe November 16th, 2011
gwEm writes:

This is a different sort of production from me. You could call it a musical toy. I've been inspired by the drum machine of the Korg Monotribe, and have combined it with STj into an executable boot sector. Unlike my 128byte productions, which are more or less pure demos in that they are concept investigations, this one could actually be quite useful to musicians and live performers.

A list of the features may help to explain more:

* STj like tempo control for precise DJ beatmatching
* Three drum sounds
* 16 steps (use shift to access odd steps, alike to Korg Monotribe)
* MIDI clock output
* Very fast loading - due to boot sector implementation
* GEMDOS file system still supported (use it with STj in auto folder no problem)
* No screen required

The archive contains an installer/deinstaller/launcher program, a readme, and a picture to explain the keyboard mappings.

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Vital Motion and _Orion wins Alchimie compo November 15th, 2011
Vital Motion and _Orion quite unexpectedly entered the Alchimie combined demo compo this weekend with a Falcon demo, and won!

It's their Falcon debut called 'We Reached Stars' and it's a pretty chilled out production with many screens. Needs a Falcon 060.
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Electroilluminations demo by Mystic Bytes November 14th, 2011
Mystic Bytes just sent in their Atari ST demo from Sillyventure.
It's called Electroilluminations and got code by Klocek and music by Yerzmyey.
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Live! releases demo at Sillyventure 2011 November 13th, 2011
Live! with Ukko and 505 released a new ST-demo at Sillyventure 2011, called 'Base Case'.

It's probably one of the most impressive coding debuts ever on the Atari, Ukko got some coding powers! We would like to thank Ukko and 505 for dedicating this cool demo as an invitation to our forthcoming Sommarhack party, thanks guys! :)
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Noice back with VCS/2600 demo November 13th, 2011
Noice released a new Atari VCS/2600 demo at Sillyventure.

Fullscreen dotsphere, plasma, cool music and good tempo makes it a really enjoyable production.
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Downfall for Falcon released! November 13th, 2011
GGN writes:


RGC saw the release of our first game for the Atari Falcon computer!
It's taken a little time to finalise the release for the site, but we're now proud to present Downfall for Falcon! It comes in two flavours - one for 4Mb Falcons and one for 14Mb machines so visit the Downfall Falcon page for more info and download links!

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Checkpoint out with new 4k intro November 13th, 2011
Defjam and 505 of Checkpoint released a new 4k intro for the ST at Sillyventure.

Almost three minute long soundtrack with sidvoices, plenty of effects and mandatory Checkpoint code quality.
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Tjoppen releases Atari VCS/2600 demo November 13th, 2011
A second Atari VCS/2600 from Sillyventure 2011 showed up today.

It's an entry from Tjoppen with plasma, scroller, twister and so forth.
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No Fragments #13 released November 12th, 2011
Lotek Style of .tSCc. writes:

Dear atarians.

Welcome to archive thirteen of the NO FRAGMENTS series. You will find here a lot of pictures that I have collected during the years including a huge section with pixelgraphics from our beloved atari demosceners. It is possible to have a few dupes in here in some different picture formats. At first I decided to have only "one" version of a drawing on the CD but during the last years I changed my mind and allowed all formats esp. the original atari formats.

Like the last few discs this collection does not claim to be complete. It is "just" what I had found during the last years on my work on the NO FRAGMENTS series. There's not much more to say for now. Have fun with the archive. If there is some stuff missing or damaged, then please inform me or send me acurate versions and I will collect it for an update (if it ever will happen). Oh.. and bye the way this might be the last disc of this series. Let me say goodbye to all followers and atari friends. It is time to move on.

lotek style / tscc^ymr - 10th of november, 2011

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Final Sillyventure 2011 invite released November 5th, 2011
Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:

So... HERE IT COMES! The last pre-SV2k11 surprise has been just released! It's another invitation for Silly Venture 2k11, this time for the most famous Atari XL/XE machine in Poland. Invitro was made by the legendary polish demo-team called "SLIGHT". It doesn't require extended hardware (64kb is enough), however stereo-pokey is strongly recommended for best effect.

And just to remind the deadline for remote compo entries - officialy on 9th November (Thursday), however organizer will check his mail-box last time on 12th November (Saturday) at 09:00 am o'clock.

Please send your compo entries on both e-mail address, it is:

(in case one doesn't work)

Best regards,

Grey / Mystic Bytes

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gwEm updates STj October 30th, 2011
gwEm of the Psycho Hacking Force writes:

A new version of my Atari SNDH DJing program - after five years we are up to v1.30 :) Main new features:

* Added support for NTSC TOS versions
* Modified selection of Lazy/Loop/Cue mode
* Removed some graphics to reduce memory usage and disk space

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SNDH archive v3.3 released October 30th, 2011
Grazey of The Phsycho Hacking Force writes:

50 new/updated SNDH files (72 tunes).

Fellow PHFer gwEm gave me a shot of motivation, spurring me into a compiling blitz, resulting in a much needed SNDH pack.

The pack mainly focuses on music released over the past 10 months. A few fixes are also included rectifying missing subtunes and bugged replayers.

As usual I've added a rarity, this time another Mad Max digi conversion :- Hubbard's International Karate (it gets funky at 3:42)

Also thanks to ggn for converting some XIA tunes easing my usual lone burden.

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or suggest a tune you would like, please feel free to post to our forum.

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gwEm/PHF releases 'impossible' 128 byte music demo October 22nd, 2011
gwEm of The Psycho Hacking Force writes:

Some shit to beat the last Checkpoint prod. Several hours worth of music in 128 bytes executable, featuring the following:

* Algorithmically generated melody
* New-skool lead instrument with detuned SID effect!
* Heavy 187bpm jungle rhythm with raw sounding kick and snare
* SNDH port (non-emulated player suggested)
* Source code included


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SillyVenture 2k11 news October 7th, 2011
Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:

Dear Atari Sceners!

It's just a little over one month until the biggest international ATARI-only event in Poland! Feel free to join us for a four day party with guests from all over Europe, including: Finland, Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Czech, England, France and Poland of course!

About 100 atarians want to attend SV2k11, which is surely a great result and proves that we are not a dead species yet. Moreover, it reminds us that the good old days of Easter parties held in Germany are not over. Apart from the impressive amount of attendees, there are many compo contributions planned for Atari all systems too (7 remote entries have already been sent!).

SV2k11 also offers:

- newspaper, radio and TV report done during the party
- free kegs of good quality beer for every visitor
- free T-shirts with SV2k11 logotype
- hummer h2 limousine trip to the Sopot city in the late evening
- many crazy competitions with funny prizes
- quake tournament on the networked Falcons !
- lotharek service (check his offer on
- visit from the frontman and founder of the legendary polish music band "KOMBI" - Mr Slawomir Losowski, who still uses an Atari ST in his studio! He comes to SV2k11 also to extend his ST with new hardware features! He will also sell his 3 CDs album with signatures

...and much, much more!

I just wouldn't like to disclose all secrects before SV2k11 :)

Just come and let me "entertain" You!

There's also some surprises left BEFORE the party, so check the DHS.NU website more often in the next week(s) :)

And most important - please keep in mind that remote entries are allowed! If You cannot join us at SV2k11 - send Your entry for any competition on the following e-mail addresses:

Thank You for help in making SV a great Atari event!

See You in Gdansk/POLAND!

p.s. We are looking for music entries for ST and Falcon. If there are any musicians left and could contribute - please do it!

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Checkpoint out with new 128 byte intro September 30th, 2011
Defjam of Checkpoint released a 128 byte softsynth (!) for the ST together with a simple tune. The demo plays a 4-bit sample on one YM-channel and generates two square waveforms to get something like a noisy "SID-voice" tone.

Sources included.
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Falcon Sillyventure invite released September 20th, 2011
Grey of Mystic Bytes write:

MSB strikes back with an SV2k11 invitro for F030!

"Take these broken wings, and learn to fly again" - Do You remember this legendary song from back in the 80s? It fits perfectly in with the main vibe of the SillyVenture 2k11 party in Poland. We want to put some life into the Falcon's wings and let him fly high again!

During four days of partying, from 10th to 13th day of November 2011, we will celebrate the upcoming 20th birthday of the Falcon. Nothing can capture the great times of the Falcon's birth. Magic moments and magic feelings. For this occassion there's some Silly accents coming up.

Greetings to all Falconiers left. Never lose the faith! Come to SV2k11 and save the cool bird! Please keep in mind that remote entries are welcome too. In case of only 1 entry in any category, the prize meant for the 1st place will be given automaticaly to the single contributor.

The current compo prizes list is as follows:

1 pc of Atari 1040 STe from Sqward
1 pc of Atari 1040 STFM from Duddie
1 pc of Atari 130 XE with floppy-drive from Duddie
2 pcs of "Sic!" cart (2Mbit) for Atari XL/XE from Stryker
1 pc of SD Floppy Emulator for Atari ST/STe from Lotharek
1 pc of USB Floppy Emulator for Atari ST/STe from Lotharek
1 pc of Sio2sd in casing for Atari XL/XE from Lotharek
1 pc of Netusbee Network Card for Atari ST/Falcon from Zaxon
1 pc of SIDE built-in flashcart for Atari XL/XE from Zaxon
1 pc of Robinson's Requiem CD for Atari Falcon from Nick Harlow
1 pc of Robinson's Requiem CD for Atari Jaguar from Songbird Productions
1 or 2 pcs of games from Reboot for Atari Jaguar
Few pcs of legendary games cartridges for Atari XL/XE from Nosty

...and the list is still growing!

Here comes the short note about prepared attractions for every SV2k11 visitor:

- kegs of polish beer arranged for all SV2k11 visitors (of course FOR FREE and NO LIMITS !)

- take a ride in a Hummer H2 limousine and discover 3city at night ! (video-clips from atari demos displayed inside on the LED screens and free champagne)

- special SV2k11 t-shirt for free!

- radio, TV and newspaper reports

Already almost 90 atarians from all over the europe have signed up to the list of potential attendees.

For more party details please visit the official SV2k11 website: or get in touch with organizer -

See You in Gdansk / POLAND!

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Cerebral Vortex release NyanCatari September 19th, 2011
Cerebral Vortex has released the most flexible Nyan Cat yet. You can change colours, speed, movement and much more. Audio imported from the original.

Works on 1MB STe or Falcon.
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Checkpoint releases invite to Morphonic Lab 10 September 19th, 2011
Checkpoint just released a new invite intro for the forthcoming Morphonic Lab 10 event in Dresden, Germany. The invite works on any 1 MB ST.

Defjam here introduces his new super-fast Sid Sound Designer player that uses about about 6-8 scanlines CPU (less than three percent!).

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Torment back with new intro September 12th, 2011
Torment released a little ST-intro at the Sunrise demoparty the past weekend.

Nicked from the readme:

"just a little intro put together for sunrise 2011 in delightful Luton ...
As ever, some old code has been used but its -new old code- :) all being well, this intro should have a new tune from rhino, new gfx from spiny and newish code from GND, modded a bit by spiny to add the music replay and gfx swappery.
Its called 'shorty'cos its short. s, h, ort. :)"
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Spiceboys back with new release August 31st, 2011
Asn of Spiceboys writes:

Yo doodz!
We had to make a new demo to save the scene. What are all of you doing?!
Here is our new masterpiece called Kisse Katten.
Hopefully works on any 1 MB ST.

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New invite video for Sillyventure August 31st, 2011
Grey of MSB writes:

Here it comes... another video-invitation for SV2k11, this time with a superstar from XXX brand, the Blond Goddes called Justine Gromada.

WARNING !!! This video-clip may cause severe blood loss to the brain and the inability to stand for up 15 minutes !!! ;)

Enjoy the show !


Grey / Mystic Bytes

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Sommarhack 2011 stuff July 3rd, 2011
Sommarhack is nearing the end, and we're busy uploading stuff from the compos. Once again we've been lucky with the weather gods and got away with no rain.

In the compos we had no less than 21 entries, most which are already available on our download page, including results. We're awaiting final versions of the two remaning demos.

Thanks to everyone who visited Sommarhack and those who sent in contributions! We had a great time will hopefully make this again next year.

Tomchis "No Monkey" demo in final version now available.

Update 2:
New versions of XiA's releases uploaded.

Update 3:
The final prod is now on the download page: Maximum VBL STe-demo by Hylst.
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Sillyventure 2011 ST invite released June 24th, 2011
Aggression, Mystic Bytes and Sector One have teamed up to release a nice invite intro for the upcoming Sillyventure 2011 party in Poland.

Code by !Cube, graphics by Piesiu and music by Dma-Sc ensures a high level production from ground up. Works on 512k+ kB ST and STe.
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Paradox releases Outline STe-demo June 20th, 2011
The winning STe-demo from Outline 2011 is out from Paradox.
The demo features Blitter effects by Paranoid, 31-colour display mode by RA, 505 music (using DMA drums) and graphics from Ukko and Dan.

UPDATE 2011-07-03:
Paradox has released a 1 MB version in MSA format, also at the Outline 2011 download page.
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New 96k intro from France June 9th, 2011
Bahh of Positivity, Dma-Sc of Sector One and Ukko of Live! released a new ST 96k intro at Outline.

The intro is called "Superstar!" and features a few nice effects as well as good graphics and nice new Dma-Sc soundtrack. Works on half meg ST.
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Proteque / DHS releases new album June 5th, 2011
Proteque of DHS released a new music album at Outline 2011.

The album is composed on a Falcon with Cubase and should be listened from start to finish for the best feeling (it's a moody trip).

As a complement to the MP3-release, we also made a little Falcon app to play all the songs in a row. You need a standard 14 MB Falcon (or better) to play the album.
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Rave Network Overscan back on Atari June 5th, 2011
Rave Network Overscan is back on the Atari with a really nice 96k intro for plain ST called Natrium. Lots of nice effects, great graphics and music by 505.

The intro won first prize at Outline 2011 96k intro compo.
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Sillyventure invite video May 25th, 2011
Grey of Mystic Bytes write:
I've made video-invitation for SV2k11 for foreign visitors.

More Silly surprises will follow soon !


Grey / Mystic Bytes

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One week left for Atari Scene Awards voting! May 21st, 2011
Havoc of Lineout writes:
Two weeks ago, the Atari Scene Awards were announced on this site. Since then, we have received many positive comments, and a few less votes. To give the Awards credibility, we feel it is important to involve as many people as possible through the voting process. Therefore, we would like to remind you that the voting deadline occurs next weekend, and there will be no possibility to vote for the awards at the party, otherwise it will not be possible to prepare the trophies before the hand-out on Friday, June 3rd in Eersel. If the amount of votes received does not increase significantly from the 14 we have received so far, we may be forced to reconsider organising the Awards show for the future. We're counting on you not to let this happen!

To remind you, your votes for your favourite demoscene productions on Atari platforms from 2010 should be in the following format:

3 points - BITS #69 - Random Colours by BITS
2 points - Greatest Hits by Spiceboys
1 point - Scroller and Picture by .nUn.

And should be mailed to before Saturday, May 28th 2011, 24:00 CET. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sillyventure 2011 invite released May 11th, 2011
Shadow of Noice in cooperation with Mystic Bytes and Jakub Husak has released a nice little Atari VCS/2600 invite intro for Sillyventure 2011.

It looks like subpixel scroller/distorting and are those drums digidrums?
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New tech-demo from Paulo Simoes May 9th, 2011
Paulo Simoes has released a small music screen with his latest optimized soundrouts called 'Twelve'.

It's playing a 12-channel module on plain ST at nearly 11 kHz frequency while displaying VU-meters for all channels as well as an ocilloscope. On STe machines the replay uses the DMA sound for stereo and a bit higher frequency.

Additional infos from Paulo:
If you don't like the colors, you can change them by hacking the .tos file with any file editor:
- at offset $0E70 you can change the Scope beam color;
- at offsets $105A/5E/62/66/6A/6E/72/76/7A/7E/82/86, you can change the 12 individual V.U. colors;

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Outline announces the Atari Scene Awards May 5th, 2011
Havoc of Lineout writes:

As you may have noticed, another edition of Outline is taking place in Eersel (near Eindhoven, Holland) in about 4 weeks from now. Preparations for the party have been ongoing for some time now, and the same goes for ticket sales. Despite the fact that we haven't had as much time to promote the party as in some previous years, half of the available full tickets (including beds) have already been sold. If last year's statistics are anything to go by, we're expecting to fill the W'tjewel venue to the brim with demosceners once again.

Ofcourse we hope to welcome a large contingent of Atari sceners. Outline is firmly rooted in the Atari scene, continuing a tradition of over 20 years of events for this platform. Although we have also taken it upon us to make Outline a suitable meeting place for other platforms, we will never forget our roots, and want to emphasize this by starting a new tradition- the Atari Scene Awards. In this inaugural edition, we will hand out two awards. One will be a Lifetime Achievement award, the winner of which will be decided by a panel of experienced sceners from all over Europe. The second category is a Public's Choice award, for which we kindly ask you to send in your selection of favourite Atari prods in 2010 to in the following format:

3 points - BITS #69 - Random Colours by BITS
2 points - Greatest Hits by Spiceboys
1 point - Scroller and Picture by .nUn.

The productions you vote for must have been released in 2010, and run on an Atari(-compatible) platform. Votes can be sent in until Saturday, May 28th 2011, 24:00 CET. The final result will be announced during Outline 2011, and the awards will be presented during the ceremony. Should a winner not be present in Eersel, then we will ofcourse send the award to their home address.

Looking forward to receiving your votes!

The Outline Team

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gwEm releases Decade of Fragments April 14th, 2011
CalmDownKidder Records write:
Astonishingly dirty basslines? Check. Thumping Beats? Check. Samples from all sorts of various nooks and crannies in pop culture? Check. Christmas Song? Check.

Wait, what?

Most ordinary mixes don’t have Christmas songs, but then, most mixes aren’t by Atari and axe wielding madman Gareth Morris, who celebrates his 10th year of being ‘The One They Call gwEm‘. During a short period of not being busy from touring all over the world, from London to Toyko and almost everywhere in between, or putting on his own shows, or making his own Atari music composing software maxYMiser, gwEm has managed to make this astonishing 35 minute mix of old and new music into an unforgettable dance mix, that will surely cement his position in the chipscene for at least another ten years!

Artwork by noteNdo

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New ST/STe soundtracker released! April 14th, 2011
This doesn't exactly happen every day.

Paulo Simoes have released a new digitracker called Hextracker for the ST and STe. It features fast mixing routines and manages up to 16 (!) voices on a standard ST.

The program works on any ST or STe, but at least 1 MB recomended and on STe you get enhanced sound in stereo.

Paulo just released an update of the tracker to version 0.835a with the following fixes:
- Editor was improved (key mapping + new shorcuts + new feature keys);
- STE ouput was improved and speeded up;
- 60 Hz NTSC mode is now correctly handled;
- Above STE machines should now run this correctly;
- a few bugs have been corrected;

Update 2!
Anohter new version have been released (v0.837):
- Optimize speed of MOD data handling
- Pause feature
- Editor improvements part 3
- Protect application against file wrong loop data
- Improve Falcon compatibility for YM and Mono outputs
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YM Rockerz releases new music demo April 6th, 2011
Wow, a new music demo from YM Rockerz, which is something that doesn't happen every day, or even every year these times.

Lots of cool tunes from Tao, Timbral, Damo, gwEm, Drx, Dma-Sc, Stu, Marcer and 505! Download 'Seven' now and make your ST(e) happy!

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No Extra released invite for AC 2011 April 4th, 2011
No Extra just released a big invite intro, or rather a demo, for the upcoming AC 2011 party in france. The intro is for 2 MB STe.
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DHS releases invite to Sommarhack March 5th, 2011
As expected, we've released an invite to the forthcoming Sommarhack 2011 party in Sweden.

Sommarhack will take place at the same place as before, with the same very relaxed style. The invite intro is for plain ST with one meg or more memory. Emulators seems to play the music really noisy, please view on a real ST!
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Surprising return from Finland February 6th, 2011
Out of the blue, Emphii of Xtream just released a new intro for the STe.

Featuring an oldskool effect and DMA Protracker music with code by Emphii and graphics by !Cube.
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Lowres issue #4 is out February 5th, 2011
The blog-based Atari magazine Lowres is out in issue number four.

The new issue features a lot of articles;
Falcon Youtube tutorial, demo reviews, party reports, Atari video capture on Windows, Atari emulation and much, much more.
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Sillyventure 2011 January 6th, 2011
Grey of Mystic Bytes write:

So it finally happend ! And there's no turning back... "THE SHOW MUST GO ON !" like in Queen's song. After a few days of brainstorming, comparing arguments for "yes" and "no", I have the pleasure of inviting You for the 4th time to an international Atari party - Silly Venture 2k11 in Poland !

The last edition was met with a multitude of Polish and foreign guests and sceners. It proves that with a vision of the party and consistent realisation it's possible to achieve things, which seemed to be unattainable before (e.g. to gather such a big amount of Atari sceners in winter time). During the 10th-12th of December 2010, 62 visitors came from Poland, France, Germany, Holland and Czech. Over 40 compo entries were submitted for almost all atari platforms - starting with the 2600, through XL/XE, to ST and Falcon. Official partners were ABBUC (the bigest european club of 8-bit Atari users), ESKA radio-station and POMORSKA TV. How could I not do this promising party project again ? I asked myself many times... The final decission was made thanks to YOU. I am grateful for every positive word on the net or sent by e-mail, it just strengthens my conviction, it's WORTH IT - in spite of the logistic toil involved in it all.

Another edition of SV brings a new date and a new party-place. SV2k11 will take place from the 10th to 13th of Novemeber 2011 (Thursday-Sunday), over 4 days. The party-place will probably be a local club called "Mechanik" (11 km from the airport).

I will be starting the arrangements for the next edition of SV from the moment of this announcement! I do believe we can beat the last record for the amount of visitors and compo entries. After the last edition of SV the hopes were ressurected, many people declared "back to the roots" - the mood direct from the 90s came back, when the Atari scene was in full swing. Let's not waste it ! Sv2k11 is dedicated to all Atari fans - from Atari 2600 up to the Jaguar, right thrugh to the newest Falcon clones.

F*ck the mainstream & respect the roots ! There's *nothing* to regret.

With atari greetings,

Yours truly madly deeply,

Grey / Mystic Bytes
Silly Venture Organizer

p.s. The new SV logotype on top was done by Moonie / Mystic Bytes.

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New taQuart release January 2nd, 2011
Heaven of taQuart has released a new intro for the Atari XL/XE. Featuring a cover of the famous Thalion intro music as well as an original soundtrack by 505 and some neat twister effects.
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Final Sillyventure demo released January 1st, 2011
The last of the Sillyventure demos is finally out.

Laresistance has gone insane an converted the excellent Amiga 1200 demo "Control" by Oxygene to the Atari XL. Code by Pr0be, music by Miker and graphics by Ooz.
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French new years intro January 1st, 2011
Baah of Positivty and Dma-Sc of Sector One has teamed up to make a little ST intro for the new year, celebrating 20 years of assembly coding.
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