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Showing news from 2006-01-01 to 2006-12-31
Showing 32 articles
The Bits Club.. December 25th, 2006
The Bits Club are back with a christmas intro clevery called 'Merry Christmas'.
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Mystic Bytes updates Duke 3D December 25th, 2006
MiKRO of Mystic Bytes writes:
Hello 060-guys :)

I've found some while to bugfix duke, so here you are. The most important change is you don't have to rewrite cfg file anymore (for correct sound mixing rate), just choose the one in configuration program. Another thing is ikbd handler, mouse is now working for about 90% and it's more stable.

Enjoy the xmas with duke :)

p.s. i'd like to ask you ppl, do you find another ports reallych _such_ important for ct60? there's a possibility (except SDL things) to port let's say Hexen II or Descent (I, maybe II) but it takes a lot of time... i'd be happy to read your opinion on this topic in bbs board here at dhs... i'd like to code another (less boring :) stuff but in case 90% of ct60 users want new ports, i can change my mind :)

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D-Bug releases double menu December 24th, 2006
Cyrano J of D-Bug writes:
To bring to an end "The 7 days of D-Bug" where we fixed up a few more games for your HD/Falcon/MSTe enjoyment in the run up to Christmas, we released a pure Falcon crack. However, not to disappoint all the ST folks out there we also bring you one last gift - D-Bug Menu 196 (a/b).

This conculudes our planned 2006 releases...However, we might drop the odd falcon fix out there for you soon.

CJ/SHW/GGN - D-Bug - Xmas 2006

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maxYMiser compo December 24th, 2006
gwEm writes:
The entries to the maxYMiser 2006 online compo are now available for all to enjoy in the form of an Atari demo and MP3 collection :)

Graphics: C-Rem, ST Survivor, Manou, Exocet
Music: 505, Evil, Frequent, gwEm, Makton, Marcer, Rubbish, Starbuck
Code: gwEm

Requirements: Atari 16/32, 1Mb+, Colour display (DMA audio recommended) or MP3 player.

Don't forget to choose your favourites with the EuroVision-style voting before 8th Jan :)

I've decided to change my plans and send all musicians competing a small thing, because I think every music is cool. The winner gets the biggest prize of all - honour, so be careful in your voting!

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Outline 2006 movie December 22nd, 2006
CiH writes:
Here's an early Xmas present, or possibly a very late release from the Outline '06 Party?

It's my camera movie footage, stitched together in a comedic muso-documentary format, with random moments taken from Outline, to give a five-minute 'taster' of the whole experience, or a nice reminder of those early summer days to the actual partygoers.

Anyway, go ahead and grab it (Quicktime format.)

Oh, by the way, Merry Xmas Atariscene!

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Paradize releases christmas intro December 22nd, 2006
Marcer of Paradize writes:
We in Paradize wishes you all an Merry XMAS!

With this little thing!

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.tSCc. releases old game preview December 22nd, 2006
We're a few days late with this, however .tSCc. released a preview of an old game that never was finished. It's called 'Micromachines' and is for STe. Sourcecode included in case somebody would like to continue the game.
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The Bits Club back with more colours December 9th, 2006
Another ST-intro by The Bits Club was released yesterday. By the looks of it, it seems to be one of their better ones with raster-colourcyling in different patterns.
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Poker game released by Paradize December 9th, 2006
A poker game for the ST titled 'Square Poker' was recently released by Paradize.

Graphics and programming by Cooper, music by Marcer.
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8-bit people with Atari composers December 5th, 2006
Crazy Q writes:
Dedicated to new advances with old machines, 8BITPEOPLES celebrates its 50th release with 8BP050, a special 50-artist compilation capturing the current exciting moment of radical and explosive evolution in the chiptune scene. This document is assisted by The Tank, a non-profit art space and the definitive chiptune epicenter of both New York City and North America. It is released to coincide with the Blip Festival 2006, an international convergence of over 30 chiptune performers, organized by both parties. 8BP050 intends to document a groundbreaking scene, a continuing partnership, and the largest-scale chiptune event to date.

With tracks from : 4mat,gwEm and Counter Reset, Bodenständig 2000,Paza,Jeroen Tel,Crazy Q and many more.

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New Atari-clone in the works? November 26th, 2006
RuggedStyle (aka Art) writes:
New Atari Machine in development. Developer boards arriving within a month. Based on a Coldfire processor from motorola.
For more information go to the link below and click Products.

Daily leader, RuggedStyle.

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Pulsion have sweeped their attic November 17th, 2006
Pulsion, a nearly forgotten crew from a long long time back have released a little ST-intro with some old and new stuff including a really neat fullscreen picture.
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Nectarine demoscene radio is back November 12th, 2006
The Nectarine demoscene radio collapsed a bit over a month ago. Failing hardware, bad ISP and busy admins. That's a perfect recipe for disaster, and Nectarine got silent.

Today Nectarine annouces that they are back, still in a limited fashion, but the streams are at place again. The entire site is being translated from ASP to PHP, which will take the admins more time to complete.
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Little Intro released for Jaguar by Orion November 6th, 2006
A small intro for the Jaguar was released for The Retro Gaming Connexion 2006.

The intro works with PAL and NTSC Jaguars using BJL BIOS/Loader.
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STj v1.20 released November 3rd, 2006
gwEm writes:
Inspired by the latest games of Paradize and Reservoir Gods, I've created a new version of STj which is also able to use Jaguar controllers. It looks cool live, and the JagPad is totally ergonomic for music control.

By the way, don't forget the maxYMiser compo - 1 month to go!

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D-Bug #195 released November 1st, 2006
Showaddywaddy of D-Bug writes:
Hey.. it's Halloween... Well, we had the final 5 menus all tapped out ready to roll us up to 200. Then something special happened. Encounter! A VERY rare game so good we changed our menu plans to bring it to you. As you've come to expect, its 16mhz accelerated as well as fixed for hard disk installs making it resemble the Atari 8-bit version even more! So hop on over to the download page, and grab possibly the best ST release in over 15 years. We even took the opportunity to boost it for Falcons and MSTEs

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Dubmood releases massive maxYMiser mixtape October 27th, 2006
Dubmood have composed and remixed fourty-five minutes of maxYMiser chiptracks and made a mixtape of it.

This is really heavy stuff and anyone the slightest bit into chip music will likely enjoy it alot! The mixtape was recorded live from Dubmoods DJ-set at the Main01-festival in Marseille, France.
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Mystic Bytes releases Duke Nukem 3D for the Falcon October 23rd, 2006
MiKRO of Mystic Bytes continues to translate classic 3D PC-games to the Falcon. Now, the mega-popular Duke Nukem 3D have been brought over to the Falcon060!


* 320x200, 256 colours
* VGA or RGB
* 24 kHz 16bit stereo sound
* Full mouse support
* TOS/MagiC/FreeMiNT friendly

A small configuration error affecting sound playback needs to be manually fixed; in your duke3d.cfg, edit the line with 'MixRate = 48000' into 'MixRate = 24585'. The video download below suffers from the bad audio as well.

Beside the much awaited Duke Nukem 3D release, MiKRO have also released an update to the Falcon060 Quake.
New additions for v1.02:

* Triple-buffer support => smoother, flickerless rendering
* Palette update does in vbl only (not waiting for vbl) => smoother rendering
* Added 'loading icon'
* killed -frametime parameter, replaced with value from 200 Hz system timer
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The Bits Club releases #24... October 21st, 2006
The Bits Club released 'Bits #24 - 3D Sprites' today. Well I guess no further infomation is needed, it's the usual deal.
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Manou releases new Microdisco compilation October 17th, 2006
Timbral of DHS writes:
We interrupt this transmission to deliver a very important message:

Manou and her microdisco crew has released a new compilation for you!

Check it out, play it loud at work, but most importantly: play it in your car!

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Paradize releaes Nuclear Waste Dump game October 12th, 2006
Simon Sunnyboy of Paradize writes:
Phew - finally it is out.

Today we release the game Nuclear Waste Dump which has been delayed for over a year. But it was worth the effort and we are proud to show you the nice artwork by Minz and the cool soundtrack by Marcer.
Code by Simon Sunnyboy!

As all games by Paradize this game is powered by GFABASIC. Go to our Games page to download!

An emulator friendly diskimage will be provided soon!

See also our website at

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Fiskeboda Coding Konvention invite October 7th, 2006
Nothing major, but DHS released a small intro which informs about the Fiskeboda Coding Konvention party that will take place in december.

The intro is a quick-hack and contain no new effects to watch. Emulator use discouraged due to extra-flickery display, it's bad enough on the real thing already. We'll try harder next time.
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maxYMiser online compo hosted by gwEm announced! October 2nd, 2006
gwEm writes:
To celebrate the latest version of maxYMiser, and to answer the requests of maxYMiser users, I announce a competition for maxYMiser music!

Any style or effects are allowed, as long as the music is playable on a standard Atari ST or STe.

Entries from emulator users and non-sceners are strongly encouraged!

The deadline is on the 4th December 2006, and there will be a decent prize for the winner. The winner will be decided by a public voting relating to a demo and MP3 release of the music in mid-December.

There are hardly any rules, but for more information visit the compo website or send an email.

Thanks, and good luck to all entering!

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maxYMiser DMA v1.19 released October 2nd, 2006
gwEm writes:
After 11 months, a new version of maxYMiser DMA.

Improvements this time:

* New STe native DMA mode. Almost zero CPU overhead on STe, full 50kHz quality
* New preset pattern feature, including 'empty' and 'note off' patterns
* More graceful handling of disabled timers
* Much improved support for Atari TT (thanks to SH3 for the loan of his TT)
* Memory saving minimum DMA volume control
* Updated SNDH_CPU.TTP
* Other small bug fixes

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Paradize releases new game October 2nd, 2006
Cooper of Paradize writes:
Paradize presents a little diskfiller game called Znax.

GFA code, GFX : Cooper
Musics : Soulmate #1, Marcer, Clawz

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YesCREW updates software January 14th, 2006
SWE writes:

After slight delay, v0.8890 of Graoumf Tracker is out. Main feature is CT60/63 compatibility and Backdoor to GEM. There are some problems still with BtG in MiNT, but in TOS it works perfectly. It allows user to jump out of tracker to OS, and do some things there... Also small control interface exist in GEM and it also support AVSERVER. Will try to fix MiNT issues ASAP.

Folowing the fixes to GT2 replayer, our puzzler Capy and Gem GT2 player are also updated and should be now 060 happy...

Take care, Janez

Update (two hours later):

OK, after a looong night i finnaly discover a bug, preventing to play GT2 modules in GemPLAY, while they play perfectly in GemGT2, using same routines.

Anyway, v1.00 of GemPLAY is here now. GemPLAY can play ACE Tracker modules (*.am), NoiseTracker modules (*.mod), Graoumf Tracker modules (*.gt2), Art Of Noise modules (*.aon), SNDH songs (*.snd, limited to TimerC songs) and XLR8 Tracker songs (*.xms, a tad unstable). Enjoy.


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Cerror releases new Atari tunes January 14th, 2006
Shazz writes:

Even the well known Amiga & C64 chiptunes composers prefer YM2149 !

Not convinced ? Check the two last chiptracks composed by Cerror with Music Mon 2.5:

- Taoism (First atariST tune since ages)
- Very bland

SNDH and mp3 versions available.

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D-Bug releases #189 January 9th, 2006
Showaddywaddy writes:

D-Bug 189....

Orbiter by Spectrum Holobyte, quite a rare game cracked by our occasional collaborator GGN/KÜA (yeah.. he coded the fab menu on 178!).

Other goodies include a nice Horizontal arcade game - "Well 'ard" (now fully unlocked thanks to the author),

"The Adventures of Alice who went through the Looking Glass and came back, though not much changed",

keen fans would have seen that on 188 v1 ;)

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ASMA v3.0 is out January 3rd, 2006
Miker writes:

Here it is! The version 3.0 of Atari Sap Music Archive brings you 2006 tunes for the New Year 2006. There are 128 new tunes, many fixes, better rips and so on. Enjoy!

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.tSCc. releases Atari TT-conversion of Beams January 2nd, 2006
Ray writes:

As sort of a new year's gift i'm presenting you the TT conversion of our EIL III entry, the beams demo. i basically ported the demo to prove the TT's strength as compared to the standard falcon - despite requiring an additional c2p pass and lacking the fast blitter gouraud the demo still runs remarkably faster, especially the lipsync part. It seems the 32Mhz and the full 32bit bus do the job here - and of course to release something for an underrated and underfed platform ;).

Extra special thanks to DMA SC for doing an excellent job on the MP2->MOD conversion of the soundtrack and Lance for coding his fast and HiFi mod replayer (which is, however, not yet free of bugs so don't wonder about notes

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bITmASTER releases DSPMOD as GPL January 1st, 2006
MiKRO writes:

I'm happy to announce well known replay routine DSPMOD for Falcon goes GPL! Bitmaster was so kind he released full source code.

What does it mean? You can use / sell / change / improve / bugfix this routine if you accept these conditions:

- you always release complete source code with all changes you did make to this routine to the public
- you always release the source code under GPL (or similar license) of the software that use this routine (i.e. you provide the source code)

For the full explanation see attached gpl.txt (in the archive).

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Updates about the NOISE party January 1st, 2006
MiKRO writes:

Hello scene friends,

after long pause (we were busy with mxPlay development) we are here again with some fresh stuff about Noise Easter Demoparty.

There's too much information we added so please visit the link bellow and let us know if you have got some questions. In a short: maps, party place photos (outside area only - inside photos will follow), rules for each competition, some new party facts, ...

We hope next update will come shortly, max. some weeks, certainly not three months. Your Noisy Team.

P.S. If you observe some html errors please be patient we're working on the repair - our webmaster BAKY is total lamer :)

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