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Showing news from 1996-01-01 to 1996-12-31
Showing 38 articles
IMParty 3 July 22nd, 1996
IMParty 3 was held in Grängesberg, lots of nice people attended as usual (with special guest Energizer/Lazer).

Coding, poker, bugs, barbeque were important ingredients.
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Nordic Atari Show 1996 July 1st, 1996
NAS 1996 has been and was a hell of a nice party! There were several demoreleases, more about this later.
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An Cool July 1st, 1996
An Cool IS BACK! The legendary TCB coder relelased his (as he says) last demo ever. It's for the Falcon and includes X/Y disting megascrollers, tunnel, shadebobs, shadeplots and more. The demo was released at NAS'96.
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I.P.I.R. July 1st, 1996
I.P.I.R. has striked back in silence, with their worst production so far. This demo is worse than shit. NAS'96 lastprice winner.
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New Beat Development July 1st, 1996
New Beat Development made a funny little RGB split demo at NAS'96. First rumours said this was a dreimal demo, which seem to have been wrong.
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Aggression July 1st, 1996
The finnish supercrew has done it again.

Done what you ask?

Missed a deadline for their "Motion" demo. Very bad news indeed since it's a fine piece of a Falcondemo. They did however do a 2kb intro at NAS'96 called "Panasonic". This intro includes a blue box on the screen and horrible sound. If we can belive Wiztom it's 16channel sound done completly with the 030.
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I.C.E. July 1st, 1996
The coolest crew ever is back! At NAS'96 I.C.E. really showed us they're still alive and on the go!

They took the second prize in the demo competition with their "ICEver" demo. It features phong+environment mapping, tunnel and some nice graphics and music.

I.C.E. also surpriced us with a second (YES!) contribution in the compo. It was a preview of a coming 3D TRON game from them.
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T.O.Y.S. July 1st, 1996
T.O.Y.S. were active during the party (NAS'96) coding a game completly from scratch. They managed it, and you got a very playable PacMan clone under 4kb (unpacked!).
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Impulse July 1st, 1996
Impulse has finally got rid of some bugs, or should I say, they probably flushed away the alien bugs in a nuke toilet! (watch the demo.. :)) Impulse managed to win first price in the democompetition at NAS'96 with a very fine margin to ICE at second place. Well done guys!
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Stork party July 1st, 1996
Stork is a small Atari party in Finland taking place in Helsinki/Finland at the beginning of July 1996.
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IMParty 3 July 1st, 1996
The third IMParty is taking place July 19-21 in Grangesberg/Sweden (as usual). This is a small party, and if you wanna attend, please make us aware of that by emailing us.
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Symposium 96 May 1st, 1996
Symposium 96 has been, and some demos were relased. A bunch of 4kbtros a few which were really good), three 96kbtros (none of last years FB3 high quality ones..) and one demo from Hydroxid. This demo is alot better than their last, but still feels a little "out of date".
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Symposium 96 May 1st, 1996
A new Falcon "Megademo" was started at during this convention, with parts from several wellknown democrews: Absence, Inter, Lazer, Digital Chaos and Tscc.
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Avena May 1st, 1996
Avena are suppposed to be working on a new demo, more about his later..
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Questor of Inter May 1st, 1996
Questor of Inter is working on DSP calculated BSP vector worlds (like EKO's), to be included in a new demo from Inter.
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Avena May 1st, 1996
Tat/Digital Chaos has joined Avena!
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Avena May 1st, 1996
Mr.Pink/Resvervoir Dogs commented on Avenas new demo with a short word: Amazing. I guess we'll be sitting on needles now until it's finished. :)
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Reservoir Gods May 1st, 1996
Reservoir Gods has released a new puzzle game for the Falcon called "Sky Fall". It's a multiplayer game with up to four players at a time.
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DHS & IMP May 1st, 1996
DHS & IMP will release their winning Aggressive II party demo on monday the sixth of May 199?. Check this space then!
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Xmoon May 1st, 1996
Xmoon is a new impressive shoot'em up for all Falcons. It's running in truecolour mode, with ALOT of sprites on the screen. On standard (non fastram) Falcons it keeps a framerate of 2vbl (25fps), and Fastram Falcons (such as AB40) 50fps.
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ACF May 1st, 1996
ACF are currently finishing their last demo. It will be finished later in 1996, Jacky says he's gonna finish the screens in about 2-3 months time. The demo's gonna be for ST/STe only.
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Xmoon May 1st, 1996
Cheats for the demolevel of Xmoon.

* Press 'Delete' in intro and you start in cheatmode.
* Press 'F4-F6' to increase red, green, blue weapons.
* Press 'F9' for unlimited lifes.
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TooNs May 1st, 1996
TooNs is a new Falcon crew built from "Scrap" and his twin- brother Mickmouse (known for his cult BOUND demos). They have already released a decent demo named Yepyha with various effects and cute design.
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Hades May 1st, 1996
68060 and 68040 based models of Hades are now shipping! After seeing the 040 alive, I can only dream of the 060 speed!
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DirecTT May 1st, 1996
DirecTT 68060 and 68040 machines (Atari comptible) are now ready and shipping, as with the Hades, this is a PCI based machine.
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Bad Mood April 15th, 1996
Bad Mood v2.06 is released with complete 030 and DSP sources. It features full texturemapping and depth shading.
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OXO Concept April 15th, 1996
A new accelerator from OXO Concept in france is in development. It should have a 80mhz 030 and FastRam. More about this matter later...
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Inferiors April 15th, 1996
Zynx is working on a phong demo for the Gathering WILDCOMPO. 12mb RAM is needed..
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Black Scorpion Software April 15th, 1996
Black Scorpion Software are developing a lowcost accelerator for the Falcon. Todays beta versions can clock the whole system (including the bus!) to 32mhz.
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DHS & IMP April 15th, 1996
Rumours says their Aggro demo is very soon to be released. But havn't we heared that alot of times before? Hmm.. :)
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NoCrew April 15th, 1996
Noring/NoCrew has coded a brilliant MPEG-2 sound decoder for the DSP. It only uses 5% CPU time!!
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New Beat Development April 1st, 1996
New Beat Developmenth ave started some sort of "mailinglist" for people that don't want to miss their comming titles (including the Rayman clone "Willie").
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Dead Hackers Society April 1st, 1996
DHS offers anyone a free beer or Cola! Just join our Fanclub!
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Inter March 26th, 1996
Lucky of ST / Inter has coded and released (!) an invitation intro for Symposium'96.
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Symposium 96 February 1st, 1996
Stallion has sent out the invitations!
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Aggressive II party January 4th, 1996
Aggressive II party was a very nice event indeed! Watch out for releases from this party. Both for the STe and Falcon.
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Aggressive II party January 4th, 1996
All demos from Aggressive II was released directly, except the winning demo from DHS and IMP.
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Aggression January 4th, 1996
Aggression showed us alot of effects from their comming demo at Aggro2. VERY promising one!!
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