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Showing news from 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31
Showing 24 articles
Final demo from SIllyventure 2013 December 28th, 2013
Paradox just released what we think is the last missing one from Sillyventure 2013 - It's a girl 2.

It's an STe-demo to celebrate the birth of Ida, 505's daughter. Coding by Paranoid and RA, graphics by Dan and zik by Dma-Sc.
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gwEm/PHF releases new version of STj November 29th, 2013
gwEm/PHF writes:

The new version of STj was ready for release at SillyVenture, but in the end I decided to delay it since there was not time prepare and give a presentation at the party.

The main features of the new release are around hard disk support. The DJ can now select 260 tracks spread over 10 directories without a screen. If anyone is looking for an alternative to increasingly unreliable floppy disk live, this could be an option.

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Sillyventure releases catchup 2 November 15th, 2013
Phew what a week. Lots of new Atari stuff to be happy about. Here's a quick wrap-up since the last message.

Return by Hemoroids
Some of you have probably noticed that Hemoroids have started releasing javascript demos in the last few months so this return might not be a huge surprise. Anyhow it's a very decent STe 96k intro, classic Hemoroids style with some pleasant returns from older demos as well as some new stuff.

STrange roboTS by BLaBla
Wow! Cyg have developed his truecolour displayer even further. This time skipping overscan but adding what looks like higher granularity instead. Better colours, not so scary theme (them clowns scare the shit out of me) and a heavy soundtrack by 505. Cool demo.

Unreversable by MEC
An Atari XL/XE crew that goes ST for the first time. They do it in a different way than most by using text-mode graphics in med-res. At a first glance it sure strikes as very different.

FirSTro by Lamers
With a first Falcon release from Lamers earlier this fall, they are now also debuting on the ST with an intro by maciekm, wieczÛr, at0m and gepard.

Console stuff!
Some very cool things were released on Atari consoles. The VCS/2600 winner demo is probably the best one ever made for the system, likewise for Checkpoints Jaguar demo which shows much more advanced 3D than previously seen (marching cubes) on the system.

No polish Atari event without the 8-bitters making some amazing stuff. Noice doing a comeback on the XL/XE with a great effort, graphics music, design everything top-level. But then came the Lamers to spoil the party for the swedes. A big thematic demo with great effects, graphics and music, also showcasing one of those cool Censor Designs since-scrollers on the XL.

Noteworthy winner is another new Falcon game by Dune. It's called 'Racer' and yes you got it, it's a racing game with three different game modes, described by Thadoss himself: 1. a "pole position" like race 2. a "drive wrong way" race 3. a "lotus like" or "outrun like" race

So, the download section for Sillyventure is filling up nicely. We're still short of a lot of graphics, music and more notably Falcon demo releases. Hopefully they'll show up sooner or later.

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Sillyventure demos first batch November 11th, 2013
Ok, so demos have begun to come in, first up we have six of them:

Second Reality 2013 by Checkpoint
This is a big big demo which faithfully reproduces the orignal PC-demo from 1993. Coding by Defjam and lsl, graphics by mOdmate, music by Dma-Sc and mOdmate and 3D-modelling by Pandur.

Elefantastic by Genesis Project
A surprise for sure. Genesis Projects first demo on Atari. It has a nice theme with good animated graphics. Code by Shadow, graphics by Mermaid, music by MCH and Mermaid.

One Trick Pony by Rave Network Overscan
A great 4k intro for the ST. Many effects, original music and even some graphics. Code and music by Britelite, graphics by Bracket.

Monogatari by Cerebral Vortex
Wow! The first big hi-res monochrome demo. Previously we've seen single screens on some mega demos, but this is something else. Code+graphics by Orion_ and Templeton, music by 505.

Fujiology by .tSCc.
The second prod from .tSCc.'s new coder Insane. This time it's a much more ambitious production with several parts that presents the forthcoming ST demo collection from Lotek Style. Coding by Insane, graphics and music by Lotek Style, graphics by Bracket and even more graphics by Ukko.

Spkr2 by Spkr
Almost a brand new coder from The Netherlands, it's Spkr's second demo and this time he's left C behind to code the entire thing in Assembler, it shows. A much improved demo since the last time. Code by Spkr and music by Tyan.

All these demos are available from the download page, most have a video recording available as well - we will complete the video recordings later for those missing.
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505 releases massive music demo at Sillyventure November 10th, 2013
Five-o-Five is back with a new chip music release that features unreleased material from the mid-1990's up until today.

No less than 107 (!) original and previously unreleased tunes in one demo. Using a variety of trackers the trained YM-ear will hear the familiar sounds of maxYMiser, Music Mon, Triplex, Sidsound Designer, Magic Synth and Insigina Trisound.

Played from start to finish using the Auto Play mode will leave you with over three hours of music before it repeats.
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Mag! Issue 2 November 9th, 2013
CiH writes:

Live from Sillyventure, from the fingers of Atari fun lovers, another issue of Mag! springs forth.

We're back, we did not learn from the last time. Issue 2 of Mag! is out now. More articles, more surprises, and Bill Gates is our cut-price sex-slave!

Read, enjoy!

CiH 9/11/13

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SV2k13 invitro for the Falcon has been released ! November 4th, 2013
Grey writes:

It's the last 4th invitation intro by Lamers & Mystic Bytes for the forthcoming Silly Venture 2k13 ATARI party in Poland - this time for the standard Falcon030 with 4MB of RAM.

SV2k13 takes place from 8th to 11th day of November 2013 (Friday - Monday). Everyone is more than welcome to send his remote entry for all Atari compos using BOTH e-mail addresses, which are:


The deadline for msx/gfx and game is midnight of 8th November (Friday) and midnight of 9th November (Saturday) for intro/demo and wild entries.

Get ready for true Atari spirit ! :)

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Reservoir Gods release Sillytro for Atari STe ! October 24th, 2013
Grey writes:

Reservoir Gods released an another invitro for the forthcoming Silly Venture 2k13 party in Gdansk/POLAND.
After 64-bit Jaguar & 8-bit Atari it's time for the 16-bit Atari STe ! This one requires 1MB of RAM.
Code, msx by Damo/Mad Max, Gfx by Damo/Piesiu.

N-joy invitro and feel the party vibe !

Organiser of the party would like to remind, that SV2k13 takes place from 8th to 11th day of November 2013
(Friday - Monday) And please can you send remote entries for all Atari compos using BOTH e-mail addresses,
which are:


I will confirm every entry sent to BOTH mails. The deadline for msx/gfx and game is midnight of 8th November
(Friday) and midnight of 9th November (Saturday) for intro/game and wild entries.

More news about SV2k13 will follow soon.

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Sync returns with STe-fixed screens September 7th, 2013
A little out of the blue, Troed of Sync released a demo menu called 'The LoSTE screens'. It consists of STe-fixes of their SNYD2 and So Watt fullscreen demos.

Apart from the fixed classics, there is a newly coded menu with the very latest state-of-the-art 3+1 scanline syncscrolling.
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SNDH Archive v4.2 ready for download September 2nd, 2013
Grazey writes:

256 new/updated SNDH files (482 sub-tunes).

A new update is upon us. This is a mixed bag really containing tunes
from both ends of the quality spectrum.

Highlights includes : -

+ Thalion Sound Demo digital tunes
+ 18 tunes from a new musician called Xyno
+ A major update of tunes by Scottish Quartet composer - Roggie

More information can be found in the SNDH blog which I'll update very soon.

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New invite intro from Checkpoint August 18th, 2013
Checkpoint released a new Atari ST 64k-intro at Evoke last night.
It's an invite for Morphonic Lab 12, that will be held in Dresden later this year.
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Sillyventure 2013 XL invite August 1st, 2013
Grey writes:

Silly Venture 2k13 - invitro by LAMERS for Atari XL/XE

After the 1st invitro for Atari Jaguar by CHECKPOINT, here is another one - SV2k13 invitro from polish demo team "LAMERS" for Atari XL/XE machines ! Due to
the fact that the forthcoming SV is dedicated to 20th Atari Jaguar anniversary, there's quite a lot of Jag accents in this release.

There's more surprises coming, probably also this month.

Enjoy & STay tuned !

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Sommarhack 2013 is over June 30th, 2013
Four days of summer in the heart of Sweden has passed by in front of the Ataris, for the fifth year in a row.

We've had a great time and met some old friends as well as a few new ones. The usual never-ending barbecues, sunny weather, the occasional rain and stress to run the demo compo in time.

This year we got five demos/intro, eight pictures and four music contributions. A fifth music was prepared but we were unable to retrieve it in time, sadly as it was a quite unique Atari Lynx music entry. In any case the music is available now post-compo. Another different entry was a 4k procedural graphics from Cyg/BLaBla. The party version was buggy and didn't work, so in the end a finished rendered version of the picture was shown in the graphics compo rather than demo/intro compo. You can download both party-version and final version of the procedural graphics.

Thanks to everyone that visited or supported our compos!
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Oxygene updates STNICCC 2000 demo May 18th, 2013
Leonard writes:

13 years later, ST-NICCC demo is improved :)

Main change:
- The music is no more STE specific. STF owners have music now! It use HexTracker replay routine by Paulo Simoes on STF, and still use Lance player for STE.

Minor changes:
- STE module replay fix (end of the music)
- Polygon filler optimized a bit (on STe)
- 3d dots intro part minor graphic bug fixed
- Added a nice OXYGENE logo before credits part

Hint: On STE hardware, press F10 during boot to force the STF version if you want.

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Jaguar invitation for Sillyventure 2013 May 14th, 2013
Checkpoint have been busy learning the Jaguar hardware for a while and now is the first result here: An invite intro for the forthcoming Sillyventure 2013.

Featuring code by Lsl, graphics by Exocet and music by Jester/Sanity.
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Sommarhack invitation released at Outline May 11th, 2013
A very little invitation intro for Sommarhack was released at Outline for 520 ST machines. It's a compofiller in it's truest meaning - a few pages of text to inform you about the forthcoming Sommarhack party.
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Mad Wizards releases Falcon version of Kioea May 11th, 2013
Kioea by Mad Wizards, the winning Amiga AGA demo from Revision 2012 has been ported over to the Falcon. It is almost a 1:1 port, with some improved audio bits on the Falcon. 060 required, the faster the better.
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maxYMiser v1.33 May 1st, 2013
gwEm/PHF writes:

To celebrate International Workers Day I am releasing a new version of maxYMiser, and after four years it is about time! There are some bug fixes and minor usability improvements.. but the main feature is a mode which enables MIDI note output on the STe DMA channels - this even works on non-STe machines. Finally you can sequence some external synthesisers with maxYMiser.

I hope you will all enjoy the new version.

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Outline 2013 April 8th, 2013
Havoc writes:

Outline 10 is coming up soon!

Little more than a month remains until the longest standing yearly Atari demoparty takes place in Eersel, The Netherlands. This year marks the 10th consecutive edition of Outline, and the organising crew is already in full swing to make it a memorable one. We'll have all the features that our visitors have grown used to over the years, and more. More DJ's, more liveacts, more food options. But we'll also make some things better- availability of real quality homemade food will be expanded upon after the success of last year's curry dish, the Hapkar will be back, and we're taking drastic measures to prevent us from ever having power problems again (even if the problems were only minor last year).

But we cannot truly succeed in our mission to make this jubileum edition the best Outline so far without your support. The Atari scene is where we have our roots and we will always do everything we can to support it. However, in recent years the number of Atari releases at Outline has been going down steadily.
In part that can be explained by the fact that other Atari parties have emerged, another side of the story is that there's less releases overall. We think this is as good a time as any to break that trend and would like to encourage you to start getting creative again. Ofcourse it would be awesome if you can release something at Outline and thus be a part of the only Atari demoparty in known history to make it up to 10 editions and showing no signs of slowing down. But we'd also settle for you showing up to show off what you're working on ofcourse.

If you need any advice or information or if you have suggestions for the Outline organising team, feel free to ask via the BBS here or any of the social media services mentioned on
Looking forward to seeing you in Eersel for the 10th time!

On behalf of the Outline organising team,


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New STe demo from BlaBLa March 31st, 2013
An Atari STe demo at Revision? Really?

Yep, Cyg of BlaBLa entered the Revision oldskool competition with a demo called Circus back²STage. The demo needs an Atari STe with 4 MB to work.

So far the released demo is a party version, and a final is expected later.
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No Fragments #14 March 29th, 2013
Lotek Style writes:

Dear atarians.

Welcome to archive fourteen from the NO FRAGMENTS series. Yes, you are not dreaming. Against my own statement from the last CD I could not resist to finish off this archive which was lying about 50% finished on my harddrive. So this "finally" might be the very last issue of this CD-Rom series. Huge web-archives and other new datastorage mediums making CD-ROMs become more and more obsolete.

This does not mean that I'm completely stopping all my archiving activities. Taking this to the next level would be my next steps. How this will look like? I cannot exactly say now.

lotek style / tscc^ymr - 29th of march, 2013

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Recent downtime March 23rd, 2013
Just a short notice about the blackout for the last nine days.

We had a terrible raid-crash on our previous server. So we decided (long overdue) to get a new machine and move server hall when we had downtime in any case.

We've had the new machine for a couple of days now and the restore from backup seems to have been going well. Some hick-ups are to be expected, please send us a mail ( if you find something that doesn't work like it used to.

For now, thanks for the patience and sorry to those affected by e-mail forwarding delays of over a week.
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SNDH Archive v4.1 ready for download March 13th, 2013
Grazey writes:

146 new/updated SNDH files (206 sub-tunes).

We pass the 7000 sub-tune total!!

Welcome to a new update of the SNDH archive.

Highlights this time includes : -

+ Music from the un-released game M.U.D.S. sent directly to us by Mad Max!

+ All the tunes from the recent Silly Venture party.

+ Exotic digi musics like Starglider using our new replayer

+ and finally! The B.I.G. demo digital department. How did this go un-ripped for so long?

We now have an SNDH blog so you can keep up-to-date with the SNDH archive and to glean additional information about each release.

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Sillyventure 2013 February 5th, 2013
Grey writes:

Dear Sisters and Dear Brothers... Accordingly to my promise that till the end of January 2013 I will announce my decision about SV future, I am releasing it right now... :)

The last 2 months were very hard times for me. To be sincere, till today's day I have a big chaos in my head. Firstly it's a joy of unparalleled attendance and amount of received compo entries, from the other hand - fright... Why ? Well, with a common strength we managed to create the biggest event of this kind not only in Poland, but in Europe. It's obliging to something. Unfortunately, through the past few weeks I couldn't win the battle with... tiredness.
Problems during the event left an imprint on me, 4 hours without electricity just while before the start of competition still keep me awake at night... I didn't manage to finish all affairs which left after the SV2k12. I am so sorry for delays with sending SV2k12 gadgets, I promise to catch up on it withing the next few days. I wouldn't like to go into the details, but I just wasn't able to do it earlier. Many mails I've got from you still wait for response, forgive me.

In the near future we will present the web-site with voting on-line for SV2k12 compo entries. While I am here I would like to thank my mate Wieczor / LAMERS for all his unequivocal effort to make it real.

And now an information which is awaited by many of you - Silly Venture 2k13, it is 6th edition of the party dedicated to all users of consoles and computers produced under ATARI label ! This year we will meet one month earlier, it is from 8th till 11th day of November 2013. (Friday-Monday). This time an event it dedicated to the last hardware, released under the wings of Jack Tramiel (R.I.P) - Atari Jaguar console, that's why the SV2k13 logo is shaped like that.

Thanks to all who cheered me up, sent mails, calling and writing SMS's. I am so sorry if someone felt left out and I promise to improve.

Never Give Up ! STay ATARI!

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