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DHS.NU news article
Another Silly Venture invitation released August 6th, 2017
Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:

Silly Venture 2k17 - and the beat goes on!

At the famous and legendary Assembly party held in Finland this weekend, Dekadence and Mystic Bytes presented another invitro for the 9th edition of the forthcoming Silly Venture event! This time it's ST release and requires 1MB of RAM.

Code by Britelite, Gfx by Bracket, Msx by Ricky Martin, Additional Gfx (original SV2k17 logo and MSB logo) by m00nie, Txt by Grey.

Organiser of SV2k17 would like to remind you, that SV2k17 takes place from 8th to 10th day of December 2017 (Friday - Sunday). As every year, it's allowed to send remote entries for all Atari compos using the following e-mail addresses:

Every received entry will be confirmed by the organiser.
More news (as well as new invitros) will follow soon!
STay tuned!

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