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DHS.NU news article
Releases at NAS 2008 June 29th, 2008
NAS 2008 has been, and there are a couple of releases.

First out is PeP with a new NES emulator for high end Atari machines.

PeP writes:
I've released a preview of my experimental NES emulator for 060-equipped machines. It's based on a heavily modified version of NESCore, a nice open source NES emulation library.

.tSCc. also released a new game for the Falcon. Eight players can battle at once.

kRadD writes:
Finally after more than 3 years, I released my game Grenzüberschreitung at the NAS:
Grenzüberschreitung (engl.: crossing the border) is the first ever released game written in lua for the ATARI. It's also the first game ever that uses 2 Teamtaps to allow 8 players to participate on the falcon. The game itself is a tron clone for 8 players. The game was released 2005 at the Outline, and after rewrite it 2-3 times so finally this is the Version 1.0. Thanks to all people who helped me: DaFreak / Liquied Sky Records (for an finally unused cover, which was used more than a year at
competitions), 505 for the music, Samurai / Inter for the final cover, Reservoir goods for the GodLib, for lua, Bitmaster for the mod player, Christos for beta testing, and all the players who participated in the last years in Grenzüberschreitungs competitions and give a lot of feedback.

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