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DHS.NU news article
Error In Line III - Small party report April 22nd, 2003
Exceptionally early, already in July last year it was confirmed thatthe Error In Line would be held a third time. Knowing the previous parties major success, making another one which lives up to the nearly mythical state of EIL'99 and EIL'01 is close to hopeless.

But the Dresden guys fear no previous records or even the lack of their previous party house. So the hype is up, and more and more people announce that they will be going.

The swedish gang, a bit smaller than usual (12 persons this year) teamed up in Gothenburg during thursday. Some were coming via airplane from Stockholm and England and others with car or bus. We were all in place about 17.30 at NoCrew's place (gosh they have alot of junk there!!) and we went down tot he ferry and checked in.

The trip over to Kiel in germany went smoothly, and so did most of the 600+ kilometers of autobahn, we even found the party house relatively easy! When we got there around 17.00, quite some people had already arrived. We first see our favourite party-organising-musican Nils and tells him hello. He shows us our places which is at the same room as the bar (I wonder if that's a tactical thing!) and we found the friendly chaps of YesCrew already taking place there.

Went around looking at the new house, it's clear that they managed to keep a cool athmosphere, even if this new house have large practical benefits from the old one. Higher ceiling giving a somewhat better air, even if we would have wished for more ventilation.. I just can't figure out how ppl could survive in the smokers room! The house was an old officers messe as I understood and seemed to have been a rather high-status building once upon a time. The sleeping hall and showers were perfect.. a BIG hall and I think 4-5 showers, fresh toilets at the party place were also a good plus.

As time went by, the place got really crowded with people, alot of frenchies showed up this time, speaking some very strange languange. But it was great to finally meet those mysterious ones which have missed the previous EIL's :)

EIL went on and we had gotten this bad idea to try coding a 96k intro during the party. Thomas of New Beat promised to do his best to code a ACE Tracker replayrout for the intro. To tell the truth, Thomas did a much better job than the rest of us and was finished long before. In the end we got soemthing that worked and put it into the compo. But it was a marathon coding, which is somethign we perhaps should have done at home and spent more time talking to the other visitors.. But what the hell, it's a coding party so let's code :)

Around sunday it's obvious that 4-5 persons in the swedish gang have gotten some weird flu-like thing from RobertK (who had it with him!) and one by one went down. Luckily Thomas was finished with his ACE Tracker code before he went to coma for a few days..

Sunday night: The time everyone had been waiting for.. DEMO COMPOS.

I had seen the list of things the staff had to record, and WOW.. that was one big list. I won't try to comment on each production, but each cathegory had some good contributions, really good ones. This is EIL1 and EIL2 all over again. Intro after intro, demo after demo, better and better stuff. All kind of styles, from the very newskool d&b ST-demo to oldskool overscan stuff. Something for all tastes (luckily my taste is wide so I liked it all!).

Getting the final bits of sleep, and then heading home on monday. Buerk! All of us are sick! Happy happy joy joy long driving with fever.. Well shit happens, we did get home in the end even if it mostly sucked to go all that way being sick.

Now, a day after the party it's hard to say wether it lived up to EIL1/2's myth.. But I think it did. In a bit different way, but it did get there! Excellent arrangement by the Esc/Checkpoint crew as always. Breakfast in the mornings, pizza ordering 12 hours a day. And yes, the pizzas were still 600x400 mm large!! We just needed a larger dining table.. ;-)

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