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DHS.NU news article
CT60 by christmas? October 28th, 2002
CT60 news for everyone who's wondering what the heck is going on. Apparently some issues with the new Super-VIDEL (developed by nature) have been solved so it will be fully Videl and TT (256col) compatible. The Nature Super-VIDEL is a Videl-compatible graphics card but with full CT60 bandwidth giving some serious speedbost even for standard Falcon graphics modes.

Below follows the latest CT60 news annoucement from Czuba-Tech.


After a long delay of silence, I bring the last news...

I modified the SDR & ABE chip's equations to allow the 100 % VIDEL compatibility for the SuperVIDEL developped this time by 2 swedish guys... I precise that the TT 256 colors palette addresses will be too re-routed to the Super Videl chip...

The arbitration problem in on the way to be killed !
I found 3 days ago... why the 060 crashes when running a 'Half' bus mode blitter test.... The 030 tri stating delay may be the cause of the problem...and I seriously think to avoid the 030 as arbiter...but the GAL U68 on the mb needs to receive a 030 arbitration sequence to tri-state and accept an other bus master (the CT60)....
Sure with a small wire connected on 2 pins on the GAL it is easy to do that... But I continue to keep the ' 0 solders' mounting concept...and it is no easy...

This saturday, different concept and tests will be tested.... and I will announce good news next week...

I'm sorry for this long delay to ship the CT60....but I really think some of you will receive their CT60 for ...Christmas...

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