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DHS.NU news article
CT60 status June 16th, 2002
The saga of the CT60 is starting to become a bit longsome. After the boards were produced, the manufacturer made an error and put the Falcon-bus pins on the wrong side of the board. Which seems amazingly silly even to an amateur. In any case Mr.Czuba has sent the cards back for correction, and there is a new update on the current status available today.

Below follows the original mail from Rodolphe Czuba:


I will get the CT60 with the corrections, next week end...

Last Friday I found a big bug on the SDRAM chip.
It is corrected and I will verify this this evening at 23:30 !.

I know that some people are now thinking that the time to deliver the CT60 is very long, but I spend a very short time on the CT60 because of my job and my travels between France and Switzerland...Hopefully I get a PC notebook to work in the TGV.

During this evening (in the TGV) and the week I will finish the CT60 External arbiter : the one that allows the falcon bus arbitration between motherboard (Blitter/SDMA) and CT60.
The internal arbiter that arbitrates between 060 and CT60 slot is finished..

It still a bug on some DSP accesses, but we will work on it when Didier Mequigon and Xavier Joubert will get their CT60, because the cause of the bug (hard or soft or both) is not identified... Maybe the following week.

And as soon this last problem is solved, I start shipping CT60 to you !

I did some nice pictures 3 weeks ago of the new CT60, but no time to modify the web site : I will install the pictures next week end !
It will allow you to positively wait for your CT60 ;-)


Rodolphe CZUBA
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