DHS.NU news article
With almost thee months time ahead, IMPonance have annouced the dates for IMParty 13 this coming summer. Below you can find the annoucement from Ham/IMP.
This is the official invitation to IMParty 13.
It will take place at Malmenskolan in Grangesberg.
(It should be pretty well known by now. =))
The dates are: 27th, 28th, and 29th of July, the last weekend in July. IMParty 13 will start 18:00 friday 27th and end ~18:00 sunday 29th.
Info about last years party can be found @ http://imp12.atari.org/ (Hopefully there will be a imp13.atari.org page up soon, be patient.). We will try to have hot water in the showers again this summer!
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