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DHS.NU news article
Atari Fan issue #1 September 25th, 2020
Kroll writes:

We are proud to present "Atari Fan", a brand new printed magazine dedicated to all ATARI computers and consoles. Previously only available in the Polish language, this is the first issue that we are making available to a wider English-speaking audience.

All information about the magazine itself and its history you can read directly on our website, where you will also find a detailed list of articles available in this first English edition. We hope that it will whet your appetite for the kinds of articles that we will be bringing to you going forward.

Unique to this magazine is the fact that most text comes with additional information available in the form of QR codes, which will redirect to our website, where you can find materials assigned to the articles.

And yes, it's fuji all the way down! The magazine is laid out entirely on Atari computers – an Atari Falcon 030 with a CT63 accelerator card and CTPCI, with support from a rare computer designed specifically for DTP applications, the Hades 060. The whole magazine is composed using the legendary Calamus SLC 2015 "Complete Edition".

Get hyped in the meantime by enjoying this what is perhaps a first for any magazine, an invitation to its release running on a classic Atari 8-bit computer. This was created by the LAMERS group, and presented at the recent "Function" demoscene event in Hungary:

You may also enjoy this short video about the history of Atari Fan magazine by Nowy80:

September 23rd is the release date of the magazine and it will be available for purchase for 12 EUR.

All information and details can be found at, where you will soon enough also be able to purchase a subscription.

We're looking forward to bringing back this classic format with a splash, and hope that you enjoy receiving these issues as much as we enjoy making them!

It is already in webstore:

With Atari greetings,
Editor in Chief

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