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Dead Hackers Society demos

Displaying prods between 2014-01-01 and 2014-12-31
SNDH v4.4 Update
SNDH v4.4 Update
»  Download
»  At Pouet.Net
»  At Demozoo
»  Video in VideoDB
Atari ST
Atari 1040 ST intro and music demo to announce the SNDH v4.4 update. The intro is in fullscreen/synclock mode for all screens.

Works on ST and STe, but probably not TT and Falcon.
»  Intro music: Yermyey
»  Intro texture: Exocet
»  Intro code: Gizmo
»  Intro code and graphics: Evil
»  Menu code and graphics: Evil
Sommarhack 2014 Invite
Sommarhack 2014 Invite
»  Download
»  At Pouet.Net
»  At Demozoo
»  Video in VideoDB
Atari ST
An invitation to our Sommarhack party, 2014 edition.
Not much to see, but should work with 1 MB or more.
»  Music: Yerzmyey
»  Info texts: Excellence in Art
»  Graphics: Evil
»  Code: Evil
© 1994-2024 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson