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Dead Hackers Society demos

Displaying prods between 2011-01-01 and 2011-12-31
Summer Delights
Summer Delights
»  Download STe demo (harddisk)
»  Download STe demo (floppydisk)
»  At Youtube
»  At Pouet.Net
»  At Demozoo
»  Video in VideoDB
»  Graphics in PicDB
Atari STe
Our contribution to Sommarhack 2011 compo, it got first place. Needs 4 MB STe and won't work properly on Mega STe (the blitter is slower on Mega).

»  Music: Exellence in Art
»  Graphics: Proteque
»  Code: Bellman
»  Code: Gizmo
»  Code: Evil
The Smell Of Old Electronics
The Smell Of Old Electronics
»  Download Falcon release
»  Download MP3-release
»  At Pouet.Net
»  At Demozoo
Atari Falcon 030
A new music album by Proteque that is composed on a Falcon with Cubase. We decided to make a simple Falcon player app in addition to the actual album release. So don't expect a demo here, it's a music album player. Nothing more, nothing less.

The music is a concept album and should preferably be listened from start to finish for the right feeling.
»  Graphics: Proteque
»  Music: Proteque
»  Code: Evil
Sommarhack 2011 invite
Sommarhack 2011 invite
»  Download
»  Download extended soundtrack (MP3)
»  At Pouet.Net
»  At Demozoo
»  Video in VideoDB
»  Graphics in PicDB
Atari ST
A short invite intro for our Sommarhack 2011 party. One meg ST or more. Emulators make a bad job of playing the audio, please use a real ST.

»  Music: Excellence in Art
»  Graphics: Proteque
»  Graphics: Evil
»  Code: Gizmo
»  Code: Evil
© 1994-2024 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson